Scripture: John 13:35 – “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (NRSVue)
On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus gave a new commandment to his bewildered disciples. “Love one another.” This commandment is in many ways the cornerstone of Christian belief. We are the religion of love. That is what should mark us as different from other people. We believe in the God who is love. And this belief gives us moral authority.
Moral authority does not always correspond to worldly authority. The disciples were a bunch of poor fisherman, hated tax collectors, ex-extremists, foreigners, and uppity women. After Jesus died, “wanted criminals” was added to these descriptions. Yet they had moral authority from the Holy Spirit. And that authority thousands of people to flock to that message of hope and love from day one of the church.
Thousands of years and billions of followers later, we may not feel like we have much moral authority. We did not walk with Jesus. We did not martyr ourselves in the Colosseum. We did not leave family and friends to devote ourselves to a religious order. We are just normal, everyday people who love God and love our neighbors. How is that special?
The truth is that it is special. It is so, so special. The fact that you do love your God and do love your neighbors matters because people have always needed the kind of moral leadership that you can provide. You do not need to be a pastor or deacon or saint to have moral authority. People will look to you to show that faith and charity, even if you are poor or old or broken.
Demonstrating moral authority does not come through sermonizing or criticizing, but through acts of love for the people who need it the most. There are a lot of sad, scared, and broken people who need love, mercy, and comfort in the world. You may be one of them. But God has chosen you to have the moral authority to love, just as Jesus commanded. You are the one who has hope.
This week, read your favorite Bible passages, say your prayers, and gain strength from the hope you have in God. Then think about what remarkable deeds of love—large or small, simple or risky—you have the moral authority to perform because of your faith. Know that God is with you.
Prayer: Lord of power and majesty, grant me the courage to speak the truth of love and bring justice, peace, and joy to the world as best as I am able through your grace. Amen.