Scripture: Psalm 53:2 – “God looks down from heaven on humankind to see if there are any who are wise, who seek after God.” (NRSV)
One of the biggest obstacles toward churches being a greater presence in their communities is the prevalence of secularism. In times, past being a person of faith and being a member of a church was a default. Now, at least in our region, it is the exception. As a result, some church goers define themselves primarily by their opposition to worldly ways and by their judgment of others. Deserved or not, this leads many secular people or those on the fence to view Christians as self-righteous or even hateful.
I have known many atheists, agnostics, or those apathetic to religious questions to be loving and charitable people and I have known some faithful Christians who are petty and spiteful. But despite religious affiliation being no guarantee of loving behavior, I think those who believe have a distinct advantage, a leg up on their secular friends.
Psalm 53 beings by stating, “Fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, they commit abominable acts; there is no one who does good.” It seems like people scoff at God and God’s faithful and that this is the source of evil in the world. I find that selfishness persists regardless of whether one says that believe in God. But when faced with the uphill battle of bring love to a world that relishes in division and cruelty, those who believe in God know that those efforts do not begin or end with them. They are guided by a power greater than themselves and are invited into a church where our prayers and deeds of charity can be amplified by the toil and support of others.
Psalm 53 also says, “God looks down from heaven on humankind to see if there are any who are wise, who seek after God.” It seems like we are alone in a world where no one does good, but when we remember that God is looking down on us and inviting us to seek justice and mercy, we can, in our small ways, make lives better and bring love to the world.
Prayer: God, help us to hear your word from above. Comfort us in our doubt and bring your wisdom and love to the world through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.