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A Veteran's Courage

Scripture: Joshua 1:9 – “I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Veterans Day came out of the observation of Armistice Day, the end of World War I. Many going into that conflict saw it as a way to find glory, to teach your men the virtue of strength, and expand national powers and interests. But in the end, people remember it as a series of endless trench and biological warfare in which many died and little was gained.

I cannot imagine that kind of courage it takes to willing go into a kill or be killed situation. Some veterans that I have known have kept their war experiences to themselves. This was the case in my family with my grandfather, who fought in World War II, and my uncle, who fought in Vietnam. Other veterans hold on to their pride of service and the camaraderie of their fellow soldiers decades later. While I do not know from experience, I think an important key to facing combat, or really any difficult situation in life, is the sense that you are not alone.

Pride in country means allows veterans to know that there is something greater than themselves for which they fight. They are willing to sacrifice and lay down their lives because it protects the life, liberty, or opportunity of others. The friendships they form allow them to know not only that someone has their back in dangerous situations, but there is someone who has experienced the same fears and troubles as they have. These bring them comfort and support, even if it is just by sharing a beer together.

Sometimes in the foxholes and helicopters and destroyers, lofty goals seem far away, and comrades might falter or fall. The fighter is alone, and the walls of terror come crushing in. But there is there is one person who never fails them, who never fails us. I think you know who that is.

In the Book of Joshua, the new leader of the Israelites faced the prospect of making a home for his ragtag group of runaway slaves in a land filled with armies and kings who would like nothing better than to enslave or destroy them. But Joshua knew that God was with him, and he taught his troops the same. Thus, when Joshua rested having found a home for his people, he could rest knowing that it was God who saw him through the tough times, and it was God who won the victory.

On this Veterans Day, let us honor the sacrifice and courage of our warriors, and let us also use the strength of their faith bolster us in our own fears in light of the struggles we all face.

Prayer – Lord God of power and majesty, your glory extends from on high into our dark and broken world. Give us the courage show through your faithful soldiers to bring your love and justice into the world. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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