Scripture: Psalm 25:4 – “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.” (NRSV)
Today is Thanksgiving and we are reaching the end of November. In the lectionaries based on the church year which I generally use, November is always about the last days and the need to persevere to the end. As such, I have generally focused on our suffering and the hope that lies beyond that suffering in my recent sermons and devotions.
But today I want to focus instead on giving thanks for our blessings. When we gather together at Thanksgiving, I have noticed it is increasingly about food and football and shopping, and less about being thankful for what you have. At best, people may impatiently tap their feet while they wait for a prayer before dinner to end. But thanksgiving is probably the most important thing you can do every day, and not just once a year.
I think that one of the biggest problems we face is that you do not set our minds on God. It is so easy to get distracted by the worries and pleasures of the world, and today is a great example. I bet you are thinking about the taste of that turkey and pie or are nervous about burning the turkey or about not having the house clean enough or that your family might argue about politics or some other sensitive topic. And as these thoughts swirl around your head, your focus on God is lost, which is a shame because focusing on God would help you face your anxieties and bring your pleasures into a more vibrant focus.
Our scripture for this week is “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.” It shows the desire to know more about what God wants for us, realizing that walking in God’s ways makes us happier and gives us the peace that can endure the worst that life throws at us.
But knowing the ways of God does not come through reading a book or hearing a sermon. It actually comes from thanksgiving, from praying to God and listing all your blessings and all the good things in your life. If you pray only when you are scared, God becomes a service provider, and when prayers are not answered in the way you want, you get angry at God and may stop praying or believing all together. But when you pray daily with God by focusing on the good things in your life, it allows you to put your troubles in perspective. It grants you the ability to know God not as an abstract concept or a stern judge, but as a friend who listens to everything about you. And when you feel that God listens to you, you can listen to God and learn about those ways and paths. You find that wisdom and that peace. And as you count your blessings, you can better understand the blessings of others, and how you might be able to help those who need more love and support in their lives.
So do not forget to thank God today. Maybe today is the day not only that you list your blessings, but that you start a daily process of thanksgiving. Eating multiple slices of pumpkin pie are something you should only do once a year. Thanksgiving is not.
Prayer: God, you are thankful for life, for family, and for so many more blessings. Help you to hear your voice through your prayers of thanksgiving. Amen.