Scripture: Colossians 1:17 – “He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (NRSVue)
There are times when the world seems especially confusing and disjointed, and I feel like we are living in times like that. I don’t just mean big world events, although those can be very upsetting. I am talking about more personal things. You were taught about the way your life was supposed to be and you accepted your role in your society, in your family, even in your own body. But over time, things break down. Things change. You are not who or where you were before.
When we feel like everything is ripping us apart, that is when we most need to turn to Jesus. Most often, what helps us is the personal connection with have Jesus the healer. Jesus the friend. Jesus the one who continually shows love to us, even to the point of the cross, and who calls us away from all the things that we think will make us happy but that ultimately leave us confused and broken. We need that Jesus today more than ever.
But we also need a Jesus who is bigger than our own concerns, and there is comfort to be found in Jesus the Mighty God incarnate. In chapter 1 of the Letter to the Colossians, there is a hymn which speaks of the cosmic Christ. It speaks of Jesus as the firstborn of all creation and the firstborn of the dead, reconciling all his creation to him.
But what I find especially comforting this morning is this section from verse 17, “in him all things hold together.” Colossians reminds us that God has a purpose for us and that things do make sense. We catch only fleeting glimpses of this purpose during our lives and these are very easy to misunderstand. But the universe does exist for a Godly reason, and our lives have a special purpose through God.
Even when everything is pulling you apart, when nothing makes sense anymore, Jesus holds all things together.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, hear my cry, heal my broken heart, and let me discern your glorious love for all creation. Amen.