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Letting Go

Scripture – 1 Peter 5:7: “Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.” (NRSV)

I like to say that every day is a time of new beginnings, but for many people, the beginning of September is especially important. In and around Labor Day is considered the end of summer, as school begins again and many businesses return to a more “normal” work schedule. Even under normal circumstances, this can be stressful for parents. There are those big, life changing moments, like when you see your kindergartner climb those big school bus steps for the first time, or when you drop off your now mostly grown child at college or at a new home. But there are the little ones as well: hoping that your child will do well on a test after a night of studying together, or that their soccer team can bounce back after a tough loss, or that they will not be embarrassed at a school dance. Of course, we also have plenty of anxieties about our own new beginnings.

Of course, we are not living in “normal” times, and we returning to school or work or our regular routine may not be a question of inner concerns, but of life and death, which only amplifies those concerns. And in contentious times such as these, people are as likely to be greeted with cruelty or ridicule as empathy for their fears.

But there is one who will always listen, who always cares, and who always wishes the best for you: God. The First Letter of Peter says, “Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.” There are many verses like this across the Bible, attributed to Jesus, Paul, Isaiah, Jeremiah, David, Solomon, and others. That is because the universal truth is that God’s love is all pervasive, meant for all people in all circumstances. But our faith teaches us that God gives extra care and notice to those most in need.

So when we are faced with anxieties about the future of our children or ourselves, God teaches to let go, to put faith in divine providence and our children’s or our own abilities. God believes in us, and we should too. Just let go of your fears and before you know it, that kindergartner will be back in your arms.

Prayer – Jesus, help me not to worry about things I cannot control, but let love and hope live through me in all things. Amen.

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