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The Light Behind the Clouds

Scripture: Philippians 1:12 – “I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually resulted in the progress of the gospel…” (NRSVue)


We will soon be finishing our book study on Lewis B. Smedes’ classic, Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don’t Deserve. One of the chapters is on “Forgiving God”, examining how we can forgive a God who allows terrible things to happen. One of the participants talked about a major difficulty in their family, and how through it, they were able to become closer and have more meaningful relationships. Obviously, what happened was very scary, but something good ultimately came out of it.


I think this is a very important way of understanding how God relates to our suffering. Some people focus on how God is testing us or punishing us when bad things happen to us. Others remark on how God is with us through our suffering. Think of Jesus’ name of Emmanuel, “God is with us”, or the famous poem “Footprints in the Sand” by Mary Stevenson. But the thing about suffering that I find most interesting is how God transforms tragedy into an opportunity for goodness.


As I read the Bible in preparation for today’s devotion, I found the above passage from Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. Paul writes this letter while in prison, after undergoing oppression and abuse. Yet, Paul is hopeful, and even thankful for what has happened to him. He remarks that in being silenced by the powers that be, he was able to preach to those in prison and earn the faith of his jailers through his piety. Now, did God intend for Paul to be imprisoned for his preaching? I would say no. But God guided Paul to make the best of his situation and demonstrate a faith that still moves us today.


Now, this is not a perfect way of looking at suffering. Lots of terrible things happen all the time where nothing good ever comes from them. But looking back, it is surprising to see how many good things come out of tragedy. This can be as simple as meeting the love of your life after breaking up with who you thought was your soulmate. It can be finding a fulfilling new career after being fired. It can mean coming together as a family in ways you never thought you could after a loss.


Our God is a God whose light shines out from behind the clouds. In your prayers today, think of the clouds in your life, of the bad things that have happened or are currently happening to you. Grieve your losses, shout your frustration, and shed your tears. But then think about how God is leading you to good things at the other end of the darkest valley. Find comfort and hope in God’s guidance so that you might find peace even in times of sorrow.


Prayer: God, let me see your call for love even in the saddest moments of my life. Amen.

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