Scripture: Isaiah 5:18 “Woe to those who drag iniquity along with cords of falsehood, who drag sin along as with cart ropes…” (NRSVue)
There are a lot of struggles in life and burdens we must bear. We must find a way to survive, making sure our physical needs for food, shelter, safety, etc., are being met. We seek to protect our friends and family. We fight to overcome those who would prevent us from achieving our goals. We seek to live lives of purpose, making the world a better place. And we struggle to overcome the problems of old age, which will ultimately win in the end.
Think of all of these as big heavy loads and think of all the things we must do and feel to move them. Think of the strength and endurance it takes to be good and honorable people. But now think of all the foolish things that we falsely believe are important and all the energy we waste trying to achieve them rather than the things that really matter.
One of the things the early prophets like Amos and Isaiah saw was a desire of the people for the “Day of the Lord.” This is a time in the future when God would come down and bring peace, happiness, and prosperity. Sound familiar? And the people thought that their surface level religiosity would be enough to earn God’s favor. They went to the temple and made the right sacrifices. So, when God comes, they would be rewarded.
But the prophets say that the Day of the Lord is a time when God will bring justice to the world, and those people who were selfish and cruel would be punished, no matter how pious they seemed on the outside. Isaiah describes the people dragging their sins behind them, using ropes of further evil to pull their false desires along, all the while praying for the Day of the Lord to arrive. Isaiah promises woe for those who are self-deceived and mistake evil for good. “Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and shrewd in their own sight! Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine and valiant at mixing drink, who acquit the guilty for a bribe and deprive the innocent of their rights!” Righteousness is what matters most to God, not sacrifices and festivals.
We like to think that we are good people and many of us anticipate a time when God will come and wipe away those who do not believe. But in our quest to be good people, we drag our sins behind us. We think that being more successful will make us closer to God, even though it keeps us further away.
So why do we do it? Why do we drag all those unnecessary and harmful desires and habits around? God is calling to cut those cords of falsehood and let all that stuff go. Is there something in your life that seems important but just makes you miserable? Cut the cord and let it go. Is there something that makes you happy but causes misery or suffering to others? Cut the cord and let it go. Stop dragging all that nonsense. Take time to pray today and figure out what is truly important. Find a way to survive and thrive in an often-hostile world and to work for justice and peace for yourself, your family, and your community. Let go of the rest, and you will find accord with the one whose yoke is easy, and whose burden is light.
Prayer: Lord, help me cut the cords of sin and let me leave behind all the things that keep me from you. Amen.