Scripture: John 15:19 – “If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as its own. Because you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world—therefore the world hates you.” (NRSV)
For almost as long as I can remember, I have not fit in with other people. What I feel is important or valuable or interesting has often been brushed off. A lot of times this has not been done cruelly. In the movies, our quirky but noble heroes are bullied, called names, or told that they are losers. But for me, people would listen, but it was clear that they had no interest in what I was talking about. In some ways, this disturbed me more. If I was threatened, then it was their problem for being jerks. But if I was politely ignored, it must be my problem for being weird.
Many of the things I enjoy might not be for everyone, but I try to live my life being a kind and faithful person. And, as I pastor, I share my experiences and what I feel is important about love and kindness and generosity and justice. And some people just smile and nod, and then go back to what they were doing before. They might even agree on a surface level, but ultimately the demands of the world take precedence over any moral claims that our religious tradition has over them.
This frustration with sharing our passion for truth and love, only to have it be ignored or aggressively opposed was part of the Christian ministry from the start. In his farewell address to the disciples on the eve of his crucifixion, Jesus comforted them over not fitting in. “If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as its own. Because you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world—therefore the world hates you.” Because the disciples were a different kind of people, they could live without the societal demands that place more value on wealth and power than on love and service. But the world resists any call to give up that lifestyle, leaving the disciples to be discouraged and ultimately martyred for persisting in their faith.
These stories can be a comfort to us when we feel like we do not fit in, for when we do what we feel is right and people ignore or belittle us as do-gooders or busybodies. There is a caveat, however. Just because you are rejected does not always mean you are right. Sometimes we might be rejected for selfish, anti-social, or destructive behaviors. It requires real self-reflection to see whether we are truly doing the right thing. Any attitudes that support systems where people are treated as less than human, especially for issues beyond their control, are wrong and should be corrected.
The church can help us tell right from wrong. At our best, we are not of the world, but we can comfort those who do not fit in and encourage them to keep being a little weird and to share their beauty and love with the world. We can finally find that place where we belong.
Prayer: God, remind us that we are blessed when people persecute us or revile us for loving in your name. Amen.