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Good for Me

Scripture: 1 Kings 3:26 – “But the woman whose son was alive said to the king, because compassion for her son burned within her, ‘Please, my lord, give her the living boy; certainly do not kill him!’ The other said, ‘It shall be neither mine nor yours; divide it.’” (NRSVue)


What is more important: what is good or what is good for you? We all know what the answer to that question should be. But if someone else is enjoying something good and we are not, how does that help us?


To put it another way, can we find fulfillment in someone else's good fortune. I think most people are happy when a friend or even a stranger wins the lottery. But what if someone else gets a job or a promotion that you were up for? What if you were waiting for an organ transplant or for a bed in a rehab facility? Would you be happy for the person who got what you needed? Or would you be resentful or angry? Would you entertain the notion that you deserved it more?


Some people even go so far as to say, “If I can’t have it, no one can!” This is very childish way of thinking, but many of us have felt that way at some point. But the best love is unconditional love, love for the thing itself and not for the benefit it brings you. And this is the kind of love that God is calling us to do.


There is a very famous story about King Solomon, where two unwed mothers came before the king, each claiming that a baby son was theirs. It turns out that one of the mothers crushed her son in her sleep and now wanted the other one. Remember that without husbands, a son would be important for their financial survival in their old age. So Solomon the Wise came up with a test. He ordered the baby to be cut in half. This works well for cookies, but less so for people. The true mother calls for the son to be given to the other woman rather than the be killed, but the false one is content with neither receiving the baby. To her, the baby is just a means to her own happiness. To the true mother, the baby is it own blessing and joy, which should have a chance to be regardless of how it helps her.


One might say that God is calling us to spread love, joy, and beauty to the world. Our faith in Jesus teaches us that this love, like the gift of divine grace, is given regardless of whether someone deserves it or if it is fair. That is the lesson of the cross. The good is good no matter what.


The next time you feel a twinge of envy, remember Solomon. Remember that love is more than just what you have. The truth is that the more love we share, the more we all receive.


Prayer: Lord, help me to celebrate the good things in life, even if they are not for me. Amen.

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