Scripture – Psalm 25:7: “Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions; according to your steadfast love remember me, for your goodness’ sake, O Lord!” (NRSV)
Recently, I have been having flashes of memory. I will see something or smell something and I will be brought back to a memory, clear as day. These are not the big, life changing events like getting married or having children. Rather they are glimpses into minor past events. The common thread of many of these memories is feelings of shame or folly. I suddenly am back in second grade, where I made a thoughtless statement during a science lesson or was tricked into saying something rude to the teacher. I remember being selfish or losing my temper. Again, these memories pop up unbidden, and as you might imagine, do not fill me with happiness.
Psalm 25 is one of those psalms that speaks from the heart. The writer, whom the psalm identifies as David, is feeling overwhelmed, and desperately seeks for God to save him from his enemies and forgive him for his sin. David is good example for us, because he accomplished may great things: he defeated Goliath with just a slingshot, he united the warring tribes of Israel, and he transformed the city of Jerusalem into the most religious city in the world, But he also did some bad things: he acted as a mercenary in the army of his enemies, he had one his soldiers murdered to cover up his adultery, and he was indecisive and weak as his sons fought against themselves or led active rebellion against him. We all have things we can be proud of and things we are not so proud of.
Therefore, the psalmist asks God to forget his sins, but remember the grace that God bestowed upon him. When we look back at our memories, we forgive ourselves for our mistakes. We should make restitution when necessary, but otherwise we should not beat ourselves up. Instead, we should remember with God not just our successes, but the presence of God in our lowest moments. So whether you are feeling guilty about something in the past or anxious about something in the present, remember always the love of God, who never forgets you.
Prayer – Lord of love, bring peace to my mind and joy to my heart as I think upon your grace day by day. Amen.