Scripture: Psalm 84:10 – “For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than live in the tents of wickedness.” (NRSVue)
Another Wednesday, another day of post-voting analysis. On the one hand, my eighteen-year-old son got to vote for the first time. That was good. However, the endless onslaught of coverage, debate, fear-mongering, and existential dread has made paying attention to the news exhausting. And that is not to mention the regular news coverage about how bad the school where my wife’s work is, the ongoing wars, the crises of poverty and environmental collapse. All this is bad, because it brings on depression and a feeling that nothing you do can matter.
You may wish for a place where you can get away from all this. And ideally, this place is the church. I was driving around last week, and I heard the song, “There’s a Place” by The Beatles. The lyrics are evocative and make a nice change of pace from the simple lyrics of their love songs at the time. “There, there’s a place, where I can go, when I feel low, when I feel blue…” I think the church can be that kind of place, a place of refreshment and peace and hope.
Church should also be a place of joy and excitement. The Psalms were the hymn book of ancient Israel, and as you might expect about hymns sung at the Temple, many were full of praise about God and God’s Temple. Psalm 84 is one such psalm, where the psalmist concludes, “For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than live in the tents of wickedness.”
Have you ever felt that way? That a day with your church family is better than a lifetime alone? This passage inspires in me all the love and support that I have received over the years. The worship that stirs my heart. The fellowship of suppers and service projects. When we all feel the power of the Holy Spirit, there is nothing better in the world.
However, sometimes things are not so perfect. Even I, who have devoted my life to the church, get down on it sometimes. And when faced with hypocrisy, infighting, and divisive politics, many people no longer find comfort in the church. For The Beatles, that special “place” was “my mind,” a place to retreat from loneliness and confusion over relationships. And when church itself makes us feel low and blue, we can escape with God into our mind and our personal faith.
But there is a limit to finding a cure for loneliness by being alone. Especially in times like these, knowing that you can find peace through engaging with people who believe in the purposes of God is better than hiding away from the news into despair or escapism. So, if you are feeling low and blue, give the church a try again and find that joy which is like no other.
Prayer: Lord, take my worries away from me and help me to love you and your house again. Amen.